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About us


We are simply Christians. We believe in God as Creator, the Bible as His word, and Jesus as His Son. We teach the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 


When someone comes to believe in Jesus (faith) and repents of sin, we immerse them into Christ. Having died to self and having been buried with Christ in baptism, he/she is raised to new life (Romans 6). This new life is led by the Spirit of Christ and is involved in developing fruit of the Spirit; things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc (Galatians 5). Most of the New Testament writings are geared toward helping us live out the decision to follow Jesus among one another (the church) and those not yet saved. 


Jesus is still working on us. We do not see ourselves as better than anyone, just saved by the sacrifice of Jesus & the grace of God. We are committed to serving Jesus in every facet of life and we would like the opportunity to share Jesus with you in word and deed.


God bless you, 

Deny Lemaster   Preaching/Teaching Minister

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